Delivering unique WIM customer
solutions to your country

Services range from civil engineering, component delivery, system installation and integration, staff training to maintenance and post-installation support by CAMEA directly or through authorized partners.

Custom Design
This may include integration of components from various vendors or custom SW and HW implementations and modifications such as country-specific legislation issues, communication protocols or custom GUI.

Selling our products under the business partner's brand is possible! CAMEA's products can be provided as components to resellers or system integrators who are in need of specific parts.
CAMEA is the right choice for your business
in WIM and Intelligent Transportation
- Developing, manufacturing and delivering a variety of ITS
- Continuously improving, updating and upgrading
- Educating your team in installation and maintenance
- Providing individualized support
- Experience with deploying in different environments
CAMEA WIM is applied in order to collect traffic stats and to protect roads through enforcement. The applications vary in the system setup, resulting in different output accuracy.
The system is a great source of valuable traffic data, such as the accurately calculated road stress. The application serves as a good information base for the next steps in infrastructure planning.
To tackle time-wasting queues at static scales, all vehicles are first weighed at full speed. Only those that seem to be overloaded are subsequently diverted for further weight measurement.
The most efficient tool in road protection is enforcing directly without any necessity to build a static scale and to employ its staff. Violators are fined without affecting traffic fluency at all.
- First WIM certified for direct enforcement worldwide
- Speed and dimension enforcement
- Measuring between lanes
- Measuring in both directions
- Dual tire detection
- Advanced validation process
- Sensor independence
- Wide range of recognized classes
- Multiple classification schemes
- Centralized remote diagnostics
- Central data server support
Proven effects of CAMEA WIM
Better Road Quality
Heavy vehicles are the most significant factor in damaging roads. Making sure they are loaded properly is key for road preservation.
Fluent Traffic
Weighing in motion helps eliminate problems of long queuing on weigh stations and slow heavy vehicles influencing traffic flow.
Better Road Safety
Together with integrated speed enforcement, weighing trucks shortens the potential braking distance of large vehicles.
We have provided the most WIM direct enforcement stations in the world
Speed Enforcement
WIM Direct Enforcement
See how the system works
Other CAMEA Solutions
We create state-of-the-art and field-proven platforms for various industrial and transportation solutions.